Raspinovka Razjyoma Magnitoli Mitsubishi Asx
3DTuning - styling and tuning, disk neon, iridescent car paint, tons of wheels, spoilers, vinyls, custom color, partial painting of Mitsubishi ASX Crossover 2011. 3D realistic tuning and styling, custom painting and materials, disk neon, iridescent car paint, tons of wheels, vinyls, spoilers and other parts for Mitsubishi ASX Crossover 2011. Mitsubishi Collection 22 Quick Reference List 22 - 23 EXTERIOR STYLING Side extension set Side extension set Grey. MZ314581 Silver. MZ314432 2 3. Body striping A Dark Grey. MZ314458 Body striping A Light Silver. MZ314457 Chrome door garnish, lower side MZ314598 Side extension set striping Chrome. In combination with the side.
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