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•: Russian GOST standards in English [ ] Normally it is very difficult to find GOST standards translated into English. There is one company that is mainly engaged in creating high quality translations of codes and regulations. Their library in English is currently the largest on the internet, with over 350,000 Russian regulatory documents and standards.
Database covers all Russian Federation and CIS standards:,,,, Tadjikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Ukraine, Armenia, and Azerbaijan. Dolzhnostnaya instrukciya glavnogo specialista administrativno hozyajstvennogo. They also provide access to the (, ) and other (, ASME, ANSI, API, AWS, DIN, EIA, IEEE, AFNOR, BS, NEMA, NFPA, etc.) in original language and also translated into Russian.
The main orientation is regulatory services with an emphasis on affordable technical and regulatory translations. You can easily find all required as well as Russian and CIS countries standards and technical regulations for all major industries, including Russian Federal Norms and Regulations in the field of industrial safety (), Building Codes (,,,,,, ), Industry Codes and Safety Rules (, ), Sanitation Regulations (, ), Electrical Installation Codes (), Fire Codes (, ), technical regulations of the Customs Union () and norms, instructions, procedures, cost estimate standards, Russian and CIS federal and regional legislation and many others.
Visa Types On this page: • Overview Generally, a citizen of a foreign country who wishes to enter the United States must first obtain a visa, either a nonimmigrant visa for temporary stay or an immigrant visa for permanent residence. Citizens of qualified countries may be able to visit the United States without a visa under the. All travelers coming to the United States under the Visa Waiver Program must obtain authorization through the prior to initiating travel to the United States. If you do not qualify for the Visa Waiver Program or are traveling to study, work, participate in an exchange program, or any other purpose that does not fall under a B visa purpose of travel; you will need a nonimmigrant visa. A visa does not guarantee entry to the United States. A visa simply indicates that a U.S.
Consular officer has determined that you are eligible to apply for entry to the United States for a specific purpose. Nonimmigrant Visas A nonimmigrant visa is used by tourists, business people, students, or specialty workers who wish to stay for a particular period of time in the United States to accomplish specific purposes.
According to U.S. Visa laws and regulations, most nonimmigrant visa applicants must demonstrate to the consular officer that they have strong ties to their country of residence and must show that they intend to depart the United States after their temporary stay.