Tekst Objyasneniya Ob Utere Voditeljskogo Udostovereniya V Gibdd
From Me to Felix *********: Hey, That fish tank is beautiful. I must have it!
Is it still for sale? Mike From Felix ********* to Me: CALL THE NUMBER From Me to Felix *********: What number? From Felix ********* to Me: 484-***-**** From Me to Felix *********: I just called that number and nobody answered. From Felix ********* to Me: i never heard it ring. Call again and leave a message if no answer. From Me to Felix *********: I just called again.
Listen and type the numbers you hear. Type the text you hear or see. Not your computer? Use Guest mode to sign in privately. Create account. Feb 18, 2014 Funkcija deluje zgolj v avtomobilih z vgrajenim senzorjem za svetlobo/dež in običajno ni aktivirana. Ob aktiviranju funkcije se vsa odpreta stekla samodejno zaprejo, če senzor zazna dež.
Nobody picked up so I went to leave you a message, but it said your voicemail was full. From Felix ********* to Me: my voicemail isnt full the phone never rang. Are you calling the right number? 484-***-**** From Me to Felix *********: I just called the number again and I got a fax machine noise. Is there a trick to dialing your number? From Felix ********* to Me: what trick???
Its a phone number you just dial it! From Me to Felix *********: Are you sure you didn't give me the number to a fax machine? Would you rather communicate through fax? That would actually be easier for me. From Felix ********* to Me: NO!
From Me to Felix *********: I wasn't sure what to do, so I sent you a fax. Did you get it? From Felix ********* to Me: DONT SEND ME A FAX From Felix ********* to Me: STOP SENDING ME FAXES From Felix ********* to Me: SERIOUSLY STOP TRYOING TO SEND FAX!
IT WONT WORK BECAUSE ITS A CELL PHONE!!! From Me to Felix *********: Can't you just set your cell phone to fax machine mode? From Felix ********* to Me: what the hell is fax machine mode? Cell phones dont have that!
From Felix ********* to Me: OMG dude ENOUGH WITH THE FAXES!!!!!! From Me to Felix *********: Sorry, I set the fax machine to try sending the fax every fifteen minutes until it goes through. It was the office fax machine and I already left for the weekend. Can this wait until Monday? From Felix ********* to Me: NO IT CANT WAIT UNTIL MONDAY ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME From Felix ********* to Me: GO BACK TO YOUR OFFICE AND CANCEL IT RIGHT NOW From Me to Felix *********: My apologies, I can't go back. I'm at the airport and my flight to Vancouver leaves in an hour and a half.
I'll cancel the fax on Monday when I get back. From Felix ********* to Me: HEY! FUCK THAT YOU BETTER FIND A WAY AND CANCEL THIS SHIT RIGHT NOW!!!! CALL SOMEBODY AT THE OFFICE MAKE THEM DO IT I'M FUCKING SERIOUS From Me to Felix *********: Nobody is at the office, it is 6:30! Actually, you know what? The janitor might be there. We are pretty good friends.
Do you want me to contact him? From Felix ********* to Me: YES From Me to Felix *********: Okay, I gave him your info.
He's going to call you shortly. I'm on the plane now and they are making us turn our cell phones off for takeoff. From Felix ********* to Me: DONT HAVE HIM CALL ME YOU IDIOT JUST HAVE HIM CANCEL THE FAX From Me to Felix *********: This is an automated out-of-office reply from Mike Partlow: I will be out of the office on vacation in Canada until Monday, June 10th. I will not be checking my emails until I return. Have a great weekend, eh? From Felix ********* to Me: GOD DAMMIT From Me to Felix *********: This is an automated out-of-office reply from Mike Partlow: I will be out of the office on vacation in Canada until Monday, June 10th. I will not be checking my emails until I return.
Have a great weekend, eh? =================================== I made another email account as Dave the Janitor. =================================== From Dave the Janitor to Felix *********: Hi there! Is this Felix? Mike told me to contact you about buying a fish tank. I'm Dave, the janitor at Mike's office.
I tried calling the number he gave me but it sounded like a fax machine or something, so I am emailing you instead. From Felix ********* to Dave the Janitor: yeah hi dave here's the situation. Mike has no idea how phones work and tried to send a fax to my phone using the fax machine at his office. Now my phone is getting a call from the fax machine every 15 minutes.