Switchgear Protection And Power Systems Sunil S Rao Pdf
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TEE701: SWITCHGEAR AND PROTECTION Unit I: Introduction to power system: Introduction to protective system and its elements, function of protective relaying, protective zones, primary and backup protection, desirable qualities of protective relaying, basic terminology. Relays: Electromagnetic, attraction and induction type relays, thermal relay, gas actuated relay. Unit II: Relay Applications and characteristics: Amplitude and phase comparators, over current relays, directional relays, distance relays, differential relays.
Static relays: Comparison with electromagnetic relays, classification and their description, over current relays, directional relays, distance relays, differential relays. Unit III: Protection of transmission line: Time graded protection, differential and distance protection of feeders, choice between impedance, reactance and MHO relays, Elementary idea about carrier current protection of lines, protection of bus, auto reclosing, pilot wire protection. Unit IV: Circuit Braking: Arc phenomenon, properties of arc, arc extinction theories, recovery voltage and restriking voltage, current chopping, resistance switching, capacitance current interruption, circuit breaker ratings. Testing of circuit breakers: Classification, testing station & equipments, testing procedure, direct and indirect testing. Unit V: Apparatus protection: Types of faults on alternator, stator and rotor protection, negative sequence protection, loss of excitation and overload protection. Types of fault on transformers, percentage differential protection, isolated neutral system, grounded neutral system and selection of neutral grounding. Circuit breakers: Need of circuit breakers, types of circuit breakers, operating modes, principles of construction, details of Air Blast, Bulk Oil, Minimum Oil, SF6, Vacuum Circuit Breakers, DC circuit breakers.
Text Books: 1. Switchgear and protection Sunil S. Rao, Khanna Publishers Power System Engg. Soni Gupta & Bhatnagar, Dhanpat Rai & Sons A course in Electrical Power, C.L. Wadhawa, New Age International Power system protection and switchgear, B. Ram, Wiley Eastern Ltd. Reference Books: 1.
Power system protection & switchgear, Badriram & D.V. Vishwakarma, TMH 2.
Switchgear & Protection, M.V. Deshpande, TMH TEE702: ANN AND FUZZY LOGIC Unit-I Neural Networks-1(Introduction & Architecture): Neuron, Nerve structure and synapse, Artificial Neuron and its model, activation functions, Neural network architecture: single layer and multilayer feed forward networks, recurrent networks. Various learning techniques; perception and convergence rule, Auto-associative and hetro-associative memory Unit-II Neural Networks-II (Back propogation networks): Architecture: perceptron model, solution, single layer artificial neural network, multilayer perception model; back propogation learning methods, effect of learning rule co-efficient;back propogation algorithm, factors affecting back propagation training, applications.