Oracle 9i For Windows 8 64 Bit
Ok Great this worked. But I have a new problem.
Hd skini dlya minecraft 64x32 50 kb 1. I was able to create an ODBC DSN via the ODBCAD32.EXE application and it tested and worked. The name of my DSN is INGENIX Now I am attempting to create a linked server using that DSN: EXEC sp_addlinkedserver @server = 'INGENIX', @srvproduct = 'Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC', @provider = 'MSDASQL', @datasrc = 'INGENIX' EXEC master. Sp_addlinkedsrvlogin @rmtsrvname = N'INGENIX', @useself = N'False', @locallogin =NULL, @rmtuser = N'myid', @rmtpassword = 'mypwd' The error I get when I test: Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider 'MSDASQL' for linked server 'INGENIX'. OLE DB provider 'MSDASQL' for linked server 'INGENIX' returned message '[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified'. (.Net SqlClient Data Provider) Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 7303 Thanks in advance.
Will oracle 9i with Windows Server 2008 domain controller 64bit. Asked: September 8, 2009 1:23 PM Last updated: September 8, 2009 3:24 PM.
I would say that while installing 9i in windows 7, windows 7 itself warns you that this software has known compatibility issues. I visited the compatibility center and saw all clean, yet windows 7 warns me the same way. I tried doing that for the same purpose you mentioned in your question, but all efforts were futile, since some of the packages do not install properly, and O9i fails to function as desired.
Options: use xp mode, or else use a VM within windows 7, and run windows xp in this vm and install o9i there. Would seem like too much, but this is the best way to go. Download free mcgraw hill ryerson chemistry 11 pdf editor download. In case it is just queries you wish to run, and not use any oracle specific features, then MySQL is a good option, especially the one with the GUI.
I found the following options in a few threads: (a) right-click run as administrator the 'install.exe' instead of 'setup.exe' * on errors do the same thing again (b1) right-click properties the 'setup.exe' set compatibility to Windows XP SP2 set run as administrator (b2) try installing using the 'setup.exe' (c) try the above steps with the 'install.exe' Once installed: 1. Go into the installation folder 2.
Right-click properties the EXE file and select set compatibility to: Windows XP SP2 set run as administrator 3. Repeat step '2' for every executable in the Oracle directory and sub-directory.