Gotika 2 Mod Odisseya Prohozhdenie
Nov 9, 2018 - Follow a gripping, surprise-filled journey as two dissimilar characters form an uneasy. I was once able to mod my Wii using the SSBB exploit. The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthrough, guide, FAQ,.
Electronic Dartboard Parts List. Available for old Valley Cougar dartboards as well. Valley Cougar HB. Valley cougar dart board manual. Cougar 8 Manual viii NOTICE This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital. Valley Cougar 8 Cougar 8 Manual 10. Valley cougar sm, trying to set to free play, no manual « on: July 21, 2007, 08:47:15 pm » i just got a vlalley cougar dartboard with honest ernie for 300$ in near perfect condition.only thing missing was the manual.(guy didnt know what he had).
[ Options] [human battle] ( up) undead (table Update11.1) inf. Adrenaline inf. Arrow instant abilities cooldown instant bow charge ( up) one-hit-kill mod key (table Update11.1) [ship] ignore ship health inf. Ship stamina [misc.] stealth mod ignore drachmae/resources ignore ability points exp multiplier time of day mod movement mod key Ikaros teleport [ Descriptions] [human battle] undead - health still drop when being hit but you won't die. - by script default, it applied to both you and your pet (tamed animal). Oxygen - as title says inf.
Adrenaline - adrenaline won't drop below 3 bars. Arrow - arrows still drop when you fire your bow but it won't drop below 4 (>=4).
Instant bow charge - as title says. One-hit-kill mod key - when activated, hold the specified mod key to attack (melee, assassin, shoot, skills. Etc.) to land an one-hit-kill on the enemy.
- mod key can be changed by choosing from the drop-down-list. - mod key default: CapsLock key. [ship] ignore ship health - ship health still drop when damaged but it won't be sunk.
Ship stamina - stamina stays full always. [misc.] stealth mod - when activated, you can choose from 2 stealth method: 'in sneak' or 'always'. - default method on script activation: 'in sneak'. - 'in sneak': no one can sense your presence when you are crouching, 'in sneak' if you will. Even if you're in battle with them already, they would lost track of you immediately when you enter sneak. - 'always': as name suggested, you're always in stealth and no one can sense your presence, including other ships. Chertezhi galeona san dzhovanni batista. - CE's hot-keys are set for in-game method changes.
Code: Select all numpad0 + numpad/ to disable numpad0 + numpad* t0 set 'in snaek' numpad0 + numpad- to set 'always' - if you don't like the voice when you press the hot-keys, you can always disable them yourself by editing the hot-keys of the entry 'status'. - the entry 'status' shows what method you're using. Ignore drachmae/resources - you can buy/upgrade/engrave in the Blacksmith, do ship upgrade, payout bounty, and craft arrows, regardless of the current drachmae/resources. - drachmae/resources still decrease until they reach zero when you buy/(ship)upgrade/engrave/pay bounty/craft arrows.
Ignore ability points - you can learn abilities regardless of your current ability points. - on-screen ability points still drop until it reaches zero when you learn skills. - pointers to the ability points can be found after you activated the script, in case you want to edit it manually. Access Abilities menu to populate the pointers. Exp multiplier - exp gained would be multiplied by the specified multiplier, which can be changed by editing the entry 'x?'
- quest/explore gained exp shown would still be the original value upon receiving (big +number on the centre of the screen), but the actual gaining value shown (small +number on the top-right hand corner of the screen) would be the multiplied value. - exp multiplier default: x4, can be changed by editing the script, line 3. Time of day mod - hold CapsLock and PageUp to rewind time. - hold CapsLock and PageDown to advance time. - time of day would advance normally without pressing any of the above keys. - the value of current time of day can be changed manually, just a simple 24 hours value. Movement mod key - funny they either set the walk speed too slow or too fast.
This time the walk speed is too fast that makes the walking animation looks unnatural for my taste. (*updated* after game patch v1.03, they fixed the walk speed, now it back to the usual 'too slow for me') - applies to on-foot and horse riding. - hold X1 Mouse Button and move to walk. - hold X2 Mouse Button and move to jog, the normal running speed, which is slower than the default sprint-like moving speed. - you can change the keys by editing the entries 'walk key' and 'jogging key'. - by script default, the walking speed is 0.3 (faster the game's own walk key), can be changed via the entry 'walk speed'; the jogging is 0.68, can be changed via the entry 'jogging speed'.
Ikaros teleport - when activated, call Ikaros, then hold CapsLock and create a CUSTOM waypoint to teleport Alexios/Kassandra there immediately. - filter is implemented so that you won't be teleported accidentally by creating waypoint in the Map menu. - you can't be teleported properly when Alexios/Kassandra is in water.