Download Free Vehicle Wrap Templates Ford Transit Connect
THE vehicle graphics templates library created specifically for North American. Quality for over 21 years; North American sales and unlimited, toll-free support. Or vehicle striping software; One full year of unlimited template downloads following. Philly special. Download Ford Transit Connect drawings, hi-res blueprints and scalable outlines.
What You Will Learn • How to use the Insert a Vehicle Template • How to work with PowerClip frames • How to create and export a vehicle wrap or graphic 1. Open CorelDRAW and the Welcome Screen will appear.
Select a new document and make sure that the color mode is set to RGB. The document dimensions should be set large enough to fit the vehicle dimensions. In this example, the vehicle is 202.8 inches in length by 78.7 inches in height, so we’ll create a page size of 210″ by 80″. CorelDRAW has an extensive catalog of vehicle templates that you can choose from.
In this example I’ll search for the term “Dodge Mini Van” and it will provide some templates. In this example, I will also remove any parts of the image that may interfere in the designing of the wrap, such as lines indicating trim on the vehicle. You can select the car color buy expanding the group, choosing the curve at the bottom of the list in the Object Manager and then left clicking on a color in the Color Palette. In this example, we will be working with a white van and adding a splash of color to the back corner and so I will set this color to No Fill.
Next, convert the curve into a PowerClip frame. To do this, right-click on the curve in the Object Manager, select Frame Type > Create Empty PowerClip Frame.
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