Bondarenko Zhelezobetonnie I Kamennie Konstrukcii
An Inverse Spectral Problem for the Matrix Sturm-Liouville Operator with a Bessel-Type Singularity. Natalia Bondarenko Full-text: Access denied (no subscription detected). Bondarenko, Natalia. An Inverse Spectral Problem for the Matrix Sturm-Liouville Operator with.
Zentralblatt MATH: • M. Gasymov, “Determination of St-L equation with a singular point from two spectra,” Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, vol. Mini kms activator office 2010 professional plus.
274–276, 1965, English translation: Soviet Mathematics–-Doklady, vol. 396–399, 1965. Yurko, “An inverse problem for differential equations with a singularity,” Differentsial'nye Uravneniya, vol. 1355–1362, 1992 (Russian), English translation in Differential Equations, vol. 1100–1107, 1992.
Freiling and V. Yurko, “Inverse problems for differential operators with singular boundary conditions,” Mathematische Nachrichten, vol. 1561–1578, 2005.MR2169700.
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